Lois Lubker
Interview by Ryan Payton

Lois Lubker

Ryan Payton: Who has been the most important person in your life?
Lois Lubker: The most important person would be my mother or my husband. Mostly my mother, because she guided me and helped me her whole life.

Tell me about your mother.
​She was always hard working, taught us, and held the family together when times were tough.

What was the happiest moment of your life?
When I got married, it was because I felt I found the right one, and I was happy.

The saddest?
When I lost my husband when he died of cancer at age 60.

Who has been the biggest influence on your life?
My mother again, because of what she taught me and how she guided me.

What lessons did that person teach you?
She taught me to be truthful, tried to teach me to do the right thing, and to live my life to be a decent person.

Who has been kindest to you in your life?
I would have to say all of my brothers and sisters. We have never had a falling out and there were six of us.

What is your earliest memory?
I remember my grandmother’s death when I was 3 years old, and I am now 77 years.

Are there any funny stories your family tells about you that come to mind?
My brothers tell everyone that I’m bossy but I’m not. I just know more than them.

Are there any funny stories or memories that you want to tell me about?
My brother Gene, he tried to make certain that any possible boyfriends were made to feel not comfortable in our home by the pranks he would pull. For example, if someone called the phone and asked if Lois was home, he would say yes and hang up.

If you could hold on to one memory from your life what would it be?
Being raised in a happy home with five siblings, which provided many happy memories, because we did almost everything together, because back then your social life was your family.

How has your life been different than what you’d imagined?
My life was just as I imagined up until my husband passed away and then it became a different life that I had to learn to adjust to.

Do you have any regrets?
No, not really, because I have moved from West Point and have lived in Lyons for 55 years now and always felt like both places were my home. In both places, I have lived a full life.

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